I have no words! You’ve always been my strongest one when things got tough!
I always will make sure we carry on living a happy life!
I wished you had told me!
I think! Well know I new you wasn’t well! But your in your ego! And now you know that’s not aways the best way! I don’t know! How wired this will spike but I know you know! I feel you all the time but some good some giving my kick up the bum! I know you see me!!
I Mirror you in some ways! More then others! I know I’m not easy and we have too make our own mistakes! But you was never wrong! And I new you would never judge me even tho your give me a Bollocking and a good talking to When I needed it!!
I know you want me to be strong! And that’s all I can do now!
You are simply the best and I couldn’t possibly wish for a better dad that was humble grounded but also never let life run away with me!! You know what I mean bye that!!?
I’ll promise YOU with all I have I’ll look after her and your boys and your Beautiful grandchildren and we’re gonna make you ever so proud!!
These words mean nothing to what I feel! I miss you unconditionally and I know you can hear me!!
I hope I made you proud on your day off rest dad/daddy!?
But unfortunately you can’t rest are sure because your Tracey will always need you so keep them angels open for me daddy 🔗❤️
You are so truly unconditionally Miss more than you would ever know and there is no words That can compare to a life time with
I am blessed and I wouldn’t change you daddy the first and only man too love me for ANYTHING or ANYONE!! I will keep leaving each day in this cloud but hopefully keep making you ever so proud 👌🏽❤️