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Whether you’re wanting a funeral that meets the requirements of a particular religion or a grand celebration of your loved one’s life, Anderson Maguire Funeral Directors has the experience to arrange the service that your loved one deserves.
They understand that personality is important when planning a funeral or memorial. That’s why they provide the services that other funeral directors fail to offer. A DNA memorial, which immortalizes your loved one’s DNA in an elegant keepsake, is just one of the special services that they can provide.
Those who rely on Anderson Maguire Funeral Directors benefit from their selection of luxury funeral vehicles, ash memorialisation options and in-house facilities that include their chapel of rest and service room.
They are expert providers of worldwide repatriation services, and their favourable location means that they are closely located to the Linn Cemetery and Linn Crematorium, Mearns Cemetery, St Conval's Cemetery and South Lanarkshire Crematorium.
For more information about the services that they can offer you, contact Anderson Maguire Funeral Directors today.
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