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Baby Loss Awareness Week & Wave of Light


A woman holds a lit tealight in her cupped hands

Baby Loss Awareness Week takes place every year in October, and commemorates babies who died died during pregnancy, at or soon after birth and in infancy. It culminates in the international remembrance event on 15 October - Wave of Light. Bereaved parents, families and those wanting to show their support all over the world are invited to light a candle in memory of babies who have died.

What is Baby Loss Awareness Week?

Baby Loss Awareness Week is an annual baby loss awareness event organised and run by Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, and their partners in the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance; Bliss, The Lullaby Trust, The Miscarriage Association, The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust and Tommy's. It's a week of conversation and commemoration for babies who have died during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

A coalition of more than 60 charities supports Sands' Baby Loss Awareness Week and each charity encourages people to wear a pink and blue Baby Loss Awareness ribbon as a gesture of remembrance, to show support and to promote conversation about a topic which is often left undiscussed.

How can you get involved with Baby Loss Awareness Week?

You can be involved with Baby Loss Awareness Week as much or as little as you choose. Buying and wearing a baby loss awareness badge is a great way to give a small amount to charity, while also helping raise visibility of the event and promote conversation.

If you would like to join the conversation on social media, #BLAW2019 is the official hashtag to use and #WaveOfLight is a great way to share your plans for 15 October and, afterwards, to share images of your evening. For more general conversation, all year round, #BabyLoss will help you link up with other people on social media discussing the same issues.

If you want to quickly donate £5 to the cause, you can text 'BABYLOSS 5' to 70085.

What is Wave of Light?

Wave of Light is a global commemoration of babies who have died during pregnancy, at, or shortly after birth. Anyone who wants to join in is invited to light a candle at 7pm local time on 15 October and leave it burning for one hour. This can be in private or as part of a group, in your own home or in a public space. Wherever you choose to light your candle and whoever you choose to share the moment with, you will be joining a global activity with people all round the world honouring babies who died too soon.

Where can you go to find out more?

The Baby Loss Awareness Week website has links to each of the organisations in the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance as well as all of the organisations that have supported Baby Loss Awareness Week and the Wave of Light.

If you have experienced baby loss, or want more information on how can support someone who has, you can find helpful advice on coping with miscarriage and stillbirth in our guides to bereavement support.

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