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Over 30,000 verified reviews of funeral directors now on Funeral Guide


Over 30,000 bereaved people have left independent, verified reviews of their funeral director on Funeral Guide, cementing the site’s place as the country’s number one funeral director comparison site.

Reviews have become a fundamental part of online behaviour and are seen every time someone searches on Google. Most people now say that they want to read a positive review online before making a large decision, such as choosing who to trust with their loved one.

Funeral Guide is the UK’s number one funeral director comparison website, with over 2 million views every month. Bereaved people can search by town, city or postcode to view local funeral director listings, and read independent, verified reviews of funeral directors near them.There are no fake reviews – all 30,000 reviews are from members of the public who have recently used a funeral director’s services.

funeral guide reviews

Funeral directors that join Funeral Guide can not only showcase their high standards and professional care, but enhance and further develop their services, with a focus on supporting the bereaved.

Bereaved people across the UK trust Funeral Guide’s reviews to provide the assurance they need when choosing a funeral director. As well as comprehensive funeral director listings, Funeral Guide provides helpful, practical information and fully featured guides to everything related to funerals, from popular funeral hymns and poems for a funeral, to arranging a funeral from start to finish.

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