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Colouring through grief’s greyness


bereavement colouring books

Picture: Mint Owl on Unsplash

Colouring may have once been regarded as an activity just for kids, but it’s now a hobby that’s also inspiring grownups.

However old you are, colouring is regarded as a meditative pursuit that can be good for emotional wellbeing, while art therapy for grief can help people channel and process many of the complicated emotions they face when someone they love dies.

“The time and focus that adult coloring takes,” says counsellor Dr Nikki Martinez, “helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits, and focus them in a safe and productive way.”

Here are 10 colouring books with a focus on bereavement, created for both adults and children who are coping with loss. They may help you or someone you love, as you cope with grief after the death of someone significant in your life.

The Lonely Tree

bereavement colouring books

Based on a picture book about grief for children by author and illustrator Nicholas Halliday, this colouring book for bereaved children tells the story of an evergreen tree mourning the death of an old oak.

Remembering Dad

bereavement colouring books

Artist Nami Nakamura turned to drawing as a form of grief therapy after her dad's death.

She created this grief colouring book for other grown ups who are grieving, to help them cope and express feelings loss and love for their father.

Butterfly Wings

bereavement colouring books

Methodist Deacon Rev. Penny Stemley created this colouring book for grieving children. As adults, she says, it’s difficult enough to deal with grief and loss.

Her book tells a story of faith, hope, and love, with a spiritual take that she hopes may potentially bring hope and comfort to grieving children.

Bereavement and Grief

bereavement colouring books This colouring book for grown ups who are grieving by JC Grace, has 14 pages focused on different phases of grief.

It also includes a three-month grief work journal, helping people who are bereaved to channel and process their thoughts.

Colors of Loss and Healing

bereavement colouring books

Author Deborah S. Dermen witnessed the death of her parents in a plane crash and was bereaved again when her husband and father of her very young children died.

Today she is an experienced bereavement counsellor and in this adult
coloring book for getting through tough times, she provides guidance and quiet, contemplative activity through grieving and towards healing.

Colour Me Grief Recovery

bereavement colouring books

Anthea Peries created this mindful colouring book for grownups to help people focus on the present moment and give their active mind a break from stressful emotions.

As well as calming images, it also includes words to colour, with inspirational thoughts to support people through difficult days.

My Grief Journey

bereavement colouring books

This is a colouring book for bereaved parents. Together with husband Dave, author Laura Diehl is the founder of Christian ministry-based outreach project, Grieving Parents Sharing Hope, which the death of their daughter, Becca, inspired.

Each page expresses an emotion and features a scroll for you to add your own thoughts, alongside a Bible verse chosen by Laura, who has also created a grief colouring book for children.

Colouring the Shades of Grief and Healing

bereavement colouring books

This colouring books is for grieving teens and young adults who have lost a loved one. Author Lyn Ragan’s belief is that colouring can be a meditative pursuit, which can help channel the mind towards a healing path.

Coping With Grief

bereavement colouring books

This bereavement colouring book by Danette Simmons was designed to help very young children after a loved one has died.

It explains in simple words what death is and how we can learn to cope with the loss of someone who has died.

When My Grandmother Went to Heaven

bereavement colouring books

Explaining death in away that younger children can understand from a Christian point of view, Dr Jan Lightfoot’s colouring book uses pictures and simple language to help them understand what happens to people when they die, from both a physical and spiritual perspective.

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