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The Famous Graves Finder – A fascinating who’s where


A close up on some of the features of Funeral Zone's Famous Graves Map

Begin a journey of discovery – and plan some day trips with a difference – by becoming a famous graves explorer.

Funeral Guide has launched a Famous Graves Finder, pinpointing the final resting places of 50 famous people who made history.

We’re hoping that our map of fascinating final resting places will encourage enthusiastic tomb-hunters to explore and add even more names and places to our virtual atlas.

Who’s where?

There could be a famous person lying at rest in a cemetery near where you live – or a local hero who achieved something remarkable. If they don’t already feature on the finder we hope you’ll tell us who is missing – and help us build a monumental map of Britain’s late greats.

Among the pioneers and figures from history who feature is megastar music hall performer Marie Lloyd, whose funeral was attended by 50,000 fans when she died in 1922. Explore the famous graves finder to discover where she lies at rest.

You can also locate the churchyard where author Roald Dahl was buried, with comforting grave goods including red wine, a supply of pencils and chocolate.

Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale and Admiral Nelson are also among the high-profile dead Britons who feature in it. Now, we want to discover famous graves of local heroes who deserve to be mapped on our historic graves marker, as well as other famous people from the past who should be included.

Curious about cemeteries

Cemetery tourism is becoming an increasingly popular pastime in the UK. Whether it’s about taking time out for contemplation in a beautiful country churchyard, or discovering quirky tombstones in an urban cemetery reclaimed by nature, there are thousands of life stories to explore in remarkable graveyards all over the British Isles.

Funeral Guide’s Jessica Hanson says: “Our Famous Graves Finder is a great way to explore places that could be right on your doorstep, or have a day-trip with a difference.

“Gravestones mark the lives of those who have come before, lives that we can sometimes only wonder about. Strangers who lie at rest in old cemeteries were mourned and buried in loving memory.

“Monuments to the dead are part of the nation’s living heritage. Whether they mark the lives of notable historical figures or forgotten local heroes, we are putting them on the map.”

Is there a famous grave near you that we should map? Email or tweet @funeralguideUK with your suggestion and help us grow our UK Famous Graves Finder.

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